"September 26, 2008"

Russo's secretary guesses Natalia's there to talk to her boss about his "bill. " Lawrence greets Natalia. Rafe calls Buzz. Buzz offers ...

"September 25, 2008"

Natalia is disgusted to watch Doris on TV. Olivia spends time with Emma in the park and then meets Lawrence. She accepts the offer to b...

"September 24, 2008"

Refusing to allow him to set fire to the Spaulding mansion, Dinah instructs Grady to get Lizzie into bed to ruin her and Bill's relations...

"September 23, 2008"

Cassie's neighbor Harris warns her that he was robbed of his sound system and urges her to keep her doors locked. As a hidden Cyrus smir...

"September 22, 2008"

Olivia and Remy advise Frank that Ava told them she will return to the home of her adopted mother to escape the memories from Springfield. Lizzie hears that Bill was in the room and demands to know what he did to her grandfathe...

"September 19, 2008"

Frank boasts to Cyrus that he has an eyewitness and that a new "three strikes" law may cost him many years in prison. Cyrus denies takin...

"September 18, 2008"

Remy boasts to his father Clayton that Ava is coming home. Olivia explains to Jeffrey that their daughter has decided not to come back t...

"September 16, 2008"

Daisy asks Natalia to put in a good word for her. Natalia admits that Rafe was sent to the state prison and urges her to go see her son. Natalia complains to Frank about how expensive Rafe's attorney is...

"September 15, 2008"

Cyrus realizes that his brother is "connected" with Dinah. Dinah is outraged to learn Bill has control of her bank accounts. After advis...

"September 12, 2008"

Claudia retakes the witness stand and claims that she saw her brother kill Logan in self-defense. Sonny persists in his quest to convinc...

Guiding Light Quotes

Harley: Did you buy or seel any small countries today?
Gus: No, that's tomorrow at 4.

Thank you. My favorite kind of food - the kind that sweats in the bag before you open it.
