Beltran's Mysteries - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 9
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Teddy wants to lay in bed and mope, but with a wildfire incoming, Owen tells her to get back to it.

Lucas interviewed and got the spot for Chicago. He hasn't accepted it yet.

Dorian is finally getting discharged.

Ben brings Theo in and gives them a rundown of his injuries and how serious things are out there in the field.

Teddy realizes that her badge no longer works, so she really was fired. But she takes over for Owen treating Theo while he goes over the evaculation plan elsehwere.

Levi is determined to get the PEds fellowship and keeps sucking up to Beltran, but she's not impressed. Amel

Webber tells Jules and Mika that they can study up and join in on a surgery for one of the patients.

Amelia and Mer try to plead their case and make things right with Catherine. They finally get her to agree to give money to the research and be at the forefront of this breakthrough.

However, they have to turn all of their work over to Tom Koracick, who will handle it if they want to keep their jobs.

They don't have an open OR and they're desperate to get Theo in one before he crashes again. He loses his pulse and they have to start chest compressions and Teddy has to cut into him in the middle of the hallway.

They keep having the power flickering in and out.

Jo passes out while talking to Levi.

Winston lost his patient and blames Webber for allowing Yasuda and Millins to work on him.

Levi tells Jo that she's pregnant and is upset that she didn't tell him, then shocked that she didn't know she was.

Webber tells Meredith that it's probably time for him to end things and tap out for real this time.

Bailey gets too distracted in the OR hearing all the alerts on her phone and thinking that it's Ben every time. She eventually has to leave the OR.

She's worried that she didn't hear from Ben because he didn't text back. Simone shows her a database that tracks all the first responders, and Ben is safe.

Mer posted her research to the official NIH website. She resigned to Webber. And she wants to do things on her own. She tells Catherine who tells her that she's just like her mother. SHe takes it as a compliment.

Levi didn't score high enough on essays for his Peds fellowship.

Link asks Jo if she's okay, but she doesn't tell him about her pregnancy.

The asthmatic patient who can't remember things makes eye contact with Kwan and wonders if she knows him. He denies knowiong her but tells Lucas that she's his ex-fiancee.

Mika and Jules comfort each other and nearly have a kiss.

They celebrate  their essay scores coming in and them acing it.

Bailey tells Lucas that he had the highest score in his class.

Theo is stable now and his leg has been saved too.

Owen's card has been deactivated as well.

When Bailey hears that Adams was the one who helped set up the system for the first responders, and that he's also the one who had the highest test score. she wants to go to bat for him.

Lucas heads into his meeting with Catherine, but before she can get into things about him operating on Sam Sutton all the interns come in to stand up for him on his behalf. And then Bailey comes in as well, too, challenging Catherine when she threatens to fire them.

Nick shows up at the hospital for Meredith. He talks about how he's sacrificed so much for her and would continue to do so if she asked. But she tells him that their next move will be the house they looked at in the city he liked and that she made an offer on it. FOr them.


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