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Gigi escorts Felix to his getaway boat, and Felix tries to convince her to leave with him.

Felix has 50 million dollars in the bank in Gigi's name.

Alicia and Danny have to sit down with Mrs. P.

Mrs. P overturns Danny's termination. 

Carolina tells Alicia and Javi about Felix. 

Gigi goes with Felix to the Bahamas. 

Jason is still seeing Vanessa. 

Teresa wants to host a charity art auction. 

Mateo asks Danny to work Teresa's party. 

Santiago goes to Carolina's ex, Byron, to invest in the hotel. 

Danny offers to go into the party wearing a wire to help the police.

Byron is willing to invest if Carolina apologizes. 

Ingrid is giving Jason bad advice for him and Vanessa. 

Ingrid is trying to sabotage Jason by going to Mrs. P.

Javi remembers Beatriz taking him to room 606 when he was a little kid. 

Mrs. P finds out that Vanessa is studying to be a neuropsychologist and is religious so she approves.

Carolina apologizes to Byron. 

Santiago tells Gigi about selling off stake in the hotel. 

Danny apologizes to Alicia and tries to explain but won't listen. 

Gigi drugs Felix so she can steal the money. 

Gigi gives the money to Santiago, so he doesn't have to make a deal with Byron and can pay off Teresa.

Teresa won't let Santiago pay off his debt. 

The police want Danny to prove whether or not Teresa is smuggling drugs in the art.

Yoli is trying to prove that Byron isn't the guy for Carolina.

Teresa doesn't care when Danny breaks a piece of art.

Ingrid decides to be supportive of Jason and Teresa.

Carolina is jealous of Yoli and Marissa.

Teresa is human trafficking, selling women to the highest bidder. 

The police raid the party but Mateo gets Teresa out in time. 

Yoli and Sky were using room 606 to hook up, and Sky had a key.

Felix wants revenge. 

Byron proposes to Carolina again.

Mateo kills Teresa.

Alicia remembers that Gigi and Santiago were keeping Beatriz in room 606.

Gigi thinks whatever Sky stole from her is hidden in room 606.


Grand Hotel
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Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Mateo: Uh, this event, what is it really?
Teresa: When you ask me questions like that is it any wonder I don't trust you anymore?

Javi: So how did you keep him here for a week without anybody seeing him?
Carolina: There's this weird abandoned room on the sixth floor that nobody knows is there.
Yoli: Carolina!
Carolina: What? You know I can't be trusted with hot goss.