"Follow the White Rabbit"

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 6, the Mad Hatter sets his eyes on his next victims forcing Jim Gordon to make a decision he doesn't want to make.

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"Anything For You"

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 5, Penguin struggles to uphold his promises to Gotham while Butch goes down a dark path with the infamous Red Hood Gang.

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"New Day Rising"

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 4, Penguin gains power as he narrows in on the nomination for Mayor of Gotham while Bruce and Alfred chase after Five.

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"Look Into My Eyes"

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 3, hypnotist Jarvis Tetch arrives in Gotham in search of his sister Alice and hires Gordon to help him find her.

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"Burn the Witch..."

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 2, Fish Mooney takes matters into her own hands to locate Hugo Strange while Ivy Pepper makes a surprising return.

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"Better to Reign in Hell..."

On Gotham Season 3 Episode 1, Gordon works in a monster-ridden Gotham as a bounty hunter while Barbara and Tabitha open a new nightclub called Sirens.

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On Gotham Season 2 Episode 22, Hugo Strange's monsters devise a plan to break out of Indian Hill. Who will save the day if Jim is trapped inside?

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"A Legion of Horribles"

On Gotham Season 2 Episode 21, Fish Mooney makes her big return thanks to Professor Strange while Bruce and Lucius look for Selina at Arkham.

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On Gotham Season 2 Episode 20, Azrael is loose in Gotham and Penguin is out for revenge, while Bruce asks Selina for help in tracking down Strange.

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On Gotham Season 2 Episode 19, Jim and Bruce ask too many questions about Project Chimera forcing Professor Strange to send Azrael after Jim.

Gotham Quotes

I promise you, however dark and scary the world might be right now, there will be light. There will be light, Bruce.


Somebody takes a cop’s gun, you shoot him. That’s basic.
