Cynthia Makes a New Friend - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 4
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Georgia caught Ginny and Marcus. She sends Ginny away and interrogates Marcus about his intentions.

Ginny wants to learn oral sex for Marcus's birthday and asks her mom for tips.

Max sings Happy Birthday around the school. She's mean to Abby when she sees the sign Abby made her. Max invites Sophie to her party.

Marcus joined Abby and Ginny in skipping and getting high. While he thought Max was mean to them, he was cautious in taking selfies with them.

Georgia goes to the Bakers to apologize to Ellen.

Georgia and Paul argue about parenting boundaries with the kids.

Ginny studies different make-up and how to do blow jobs after asking her mom for help.

At therapy, Ginny asks how much is determined by genetics. She's afraid of being like her mom.

Georgia decides to have a living room dance party to have some fun.

All of Max's friends like Ginny again, and her birthday party got canceled.

At school, Ginny confronts Max, who is still rude. Ginny says Max should apologize, too, since she doesn't know what Ginny's going through. She tried not to fall for Marcus. They reconcile, and Ginny decides to have Max's party at her house.

MANG does a toast. Bracia and Bryan dance at the party.

Once Zion calls, Georgia's mom instinct goes up, and she calls Ellen.

Ginny and Marcus snuggle upstairs. He tells Ginny he loves her, and she gives him a blow job.

The Bakers, Georgia, and Paul return to their kids buzzed at the party.

Joe and Cynthia start to bond.

Paul scolds Ginny for holding the party, while Georgia secretly admits she's proud. Ginny falls apart and calls her therapist.

Ginny & Georgia
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Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

No more secrets, ok Peach? That's the only way this works.


Maybe I'm being cruel.... You're her high school love and that's fine. Pin her, take her to the dock hop, whatever. But if you love her, don't hold her back when the time comes.
