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Monica buys a bed from Janice's soon-to-be ex-husband and sees him making out with Jancie; Ross tries to bond with Rachel's father; Joey gets a job teaching a soap opera acting class.

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Friends Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Ross: I think your Dad must have added wrong. He only tipped like four percent.
Rachel: Yeah. That's Daddy.
Ross: That's Daddy?! But doesn't it bother you? You're a waitress.
Rachel: Yes, it bothers me Ross, but ya know if he was a regular at the coffee house, I'd be serving him sneezers.
Ross: So?
Rachel: So. Ross, I've bugged him about this a million times, he's not gonna change.
Ross: You really serve people sneezers?

Dr. Green: Nice hair. What'd ya do? Swim here?
Ross: (To Rachel) Okay, that's it, I can't take it anymore.
Rachel: What? What? He's interested in you. He, he likes your hair, he just wants to know how you got here.