Trying to Wake Up The World - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 5
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In some futuristic place, a woman wakes up and connects her "dot and bubble." It's like a perosnalized Zoom that hangs around her head in the shape of a bubble so she can talk to all her friends. She interrupts the gossip to wonder where Jimbo is.

The bubble tells her to stand up and where and how to move. A doctor tells her that she doesn't need to pee for the third day in a row and praises her for not creating waste.

As she is brushing her teeth, The Doctor interrupts with an unsolicited message saying there are monsters out there and she is in danger. She deletes his message request.

The woman, Lindy, walks to work while chatting with her friends. She fails to see a pair of feet and someone screaming and being dragged away.

At work, she and her friends gossip about how boring their jobs are. Ruby interrupts, getting into the system and claiming to be doing a survey for system updates. Lindy is annoyed with Ruby's questions, especially when Ruby asks if her co-workers are there and asks her to look with her eyes, not her bubble. Lindy won't. It's not what's done in FineTime. Everyone works for two hours a day and plays the rest of the day, that's it. Ruby eventually gets her to turn off her bubble for a second and she sees a monster devouring the person next to her.

Lindy is terrified and cries. She puts her bubble back on. Ruby and the Doctor try to help her. She doesn't like the Doctor. He tells her to leave without using the bubble so that she doesn't walk into the monster. She tries but she is unable to navigate without the bubble giving her directions and keeps walking into a desk. She puts the bubble back on and says she can't do this. Ruby and the Doctor try to tell her she has to. She says she hates them and uses the GPS on the bubble to leave the room, managing to avoid the monster.

Lindy makes it to the elevator, but a monster is inside. The Doctor and Ruby are screaming at her to go backward. The GPS says go forward. She is frozen, but the monster passes her by.

In the lift, she attempts to call the police but all lines are busy and she can't get through. The Doctor says he and Ruby will help. They get Lindy out onto the street.

The Doctor gets her to lower her bubble. She sees other people getting eaten. She gets scared and says the Doctor and Ruby are conspiracy theorists and she hates them. And how did the Doctor get unblocked? He has a remote. She says that's against the rules and he can't do that.

Ruby asks her what Finetime is. It's a place for rich people who can afford to live here, no old people, only 17-27-year-olds. She plays a message from her mother (Susan Twist again) who the Doctor and Ruby realize they've seen elsewhere. The Doctor turns the message off. Lindy wonders if maybe this has to do with the Wildwoods, the forest outside they're not supposed to touch.

Lindy calls her friends on an emergency call and mutes all of them and one friend says people keep disappearing. She tries to tell her friends about the monsters eating everyone. One guy insists that's nonsense but he gets eaten on camera. 

The Doctor puts himself and Ruby in the chat. Lindy says she hates him but they have to listen. He tells them all to go to the conduits. Lindy's battery on her bubble starts dying. She says it's the Doctor's fault because she didn't charge it at work when he made her leave. Her battery dies as he is giving her directions.

Lindy can't walk properly and keeps walking into things. She tries to figure out where the Doctor told her to go. She turns... and is facing two monsters.

Lindy panicks. She can't figure out how to move without her GPS and nearly walks into a monster. Someone calls to her and tells her how to move. It's Ricky September in the flesh, no bubble. Lindy isn't sure how to react to that but he gets her away from the monsters.

Lindy is able to chrage up her bubble at a charging station. Ricky tries to call their parents on the homeworld, but he finds the world is full of monsters and everyone has been eaten. He doesn't tell Lindy this. 

They make it to the conduit and Lindy reconnects with the Doctor and Ruby who are glad she is okay. The Doctor starts sending codes to Ricky to type into the keypad to open it.

The Doctor realizes that the monsters are eating people in alphabetical order. There's one person ahead of Lindy but she gets eaten on-screen when Lindy connects with her. Lindy freaks out but Ricky says he will not let her die and that he's almost done opening the conduit.

The Doctor realizes that the dot itself has created the monsters. It has become sentinent and hates the spoiled rich kids. Lindy turns it off but it turns red and goes after her.

Ricky tells her to put in the numbers and he'll fight the dot.

She opens the door but the dot is in her way. She tells it to kill Ricky and leaves.

Outside, the Doctor has saved everybody and some people want Lindy to go with them to be pioneers. The Doctor offers transportation in the TARDIS but the snobby kids say he's not one of them so they can't go with him and ocnvince Lindy to reject him also.

The Doctor has tears in his eyes as he watches them pull off in a boat, aware they will probably die. He sadly goes back into the TARDIS.

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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Ruby: You could always look and see if he is there with your own eyes.
Lindy: Ugh, you mean lower my bubble? No, we don't do that in Finetime.

You don't know me, but my name is the Doctor, and there are monsters out there that are coming to get you.
