Devious Maids News

Devious Maids Season 4 Episode 3 Review: War and Grease

Devious Maids Review: War and Grease

On Devious Maids Season 4 Episode 3, new people arrived to cause lots of trouble. And more information came to light, revealing why and who murdered Peri.
Posted in: Reviews
9 Summer Shows Worth Saving

9 Summer Shows Worth Saving

The summer of 2015 has been filled with amazing episodes of original TV. Which shows are we rooting for to get picked up for next summer? Read on...
Posted in: Multi-Show
Devious Maids Review: Forgiveness

Devious Maids Review: Forgiveness

Marisol goes on a quest to find the truth when Nick refuses to share his past, while Zoila struggles with her feelings for two men on Devious Maids. Read our review of the episode now.
Posted in: Reviews

Devious Maids Quotes

"I don't care about photos. I don't care about evidence. My maid was murdered! Who's going to clean it up?


"I think what you people do is heroic. You wash clothes you can't afford. You polish silver you will never dine with. You mop floors for people who don't bother to learn your last names, and still you dare to dream of a better life. I am in awe of your determination to succeed in this great country of ours. That said, if you don't stop screwing my husband, I'm going to have you deported. Comprende?"
