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Paula can't escape the memories of her prison abduction.

Bill tries to take responsibility for the actions of that couple, but Paula steers him away from that while asking about his future plans.

Roberto and Camilla found a dog, and they want to adopt her. Teresa and Cade explain what having a dog means to the kids, and they are interested.

The powers that be want Bill to coordinate with Jerry London now that he's announced his candidacy. Since nobody else is running, it's a done deal. Jerry's policies will drag the department back to the 1950s.

Bill points out a budget deficit, a staffing shortage, and lacking community outreach. He's not going to spend his remaining time in office talking about Jerry's plans.

Cade and Bishop are working out watching Jerry's announcement for sheriff.

Cade asks how she's doing. She's not interested in being security detail anymore. She wants more.

Cade tells her Bill will always stand by her, but he wants them to make their own choices.

Joseph talks with Charlie about the future of the department, but she doesn't support Bill. She's all for the line of succession and mentions the benefits of continuity.

Cade calls for backup on a burglary to which they respond. A homeless person freaks out, pounding on the squad car. Dead body! His friend is dead.

In a tent inside of a sprawling homeless encampment, Cade finds the ID of a former marine. He won't leave him behind.

Dennis Longford is dead of blunt force trauma to the head.

Z says Denny Boy was going to protect them. But they're all around us now. And Denny didn't use much. Too much, anyway.<>P> Dennis had a purple heart, and Cade doesn't take kindly to the detective on the scene who considers the guy a junkie and nothing else.

Cade is close to the situation because the chip he found meant they went to the same meeting.

Jerry approaches Bill with more talk about the transition. Bill reminds him that it wouldn't help the department but Jerry himself.

Bill heads to the homeless camp to stand in Cade's corner.

Charlie gets a text from Jerry reminding her she's his eyes and ears.

She and Joseph find a guy with the purple heart in his pocket.

The guy sold Denny drugs and only took what was owed to him. He, too, notes that Denny was protecting the hood. From who? Police.

The detective is annoying.

Cade goes to the meeting to find information about Denny. He's been managing his sobriety on his own.

Cade's sister is either dead or still on the streets. He doesn't know if he wants to find her because it means he'll risk losing her all over again.

Dennis was a really good guy who protected anyone in any way he knew how.

One of the board members visits Bill. The guy wants to move the homeless into shelters. Bill is opposed to that because they're not breaking any laws.

Denny was only on the streets for a couple of weeks. Cade doesn't think the story is panning out.

Bishop found a guy on security cameras possibly tossing a murder weapon.

A woman is visiting with Maggie and Paula. Maggie has bad feelings about Bill being sheriff and believes they're food for people who want to get to the sheriff.

Paula used to worry about whether Bill would come through the door every night, but now she worries about what's coming through the door with him.

Cade, Charlie, and Joseph visit a security guard under false pretenses and notice he has bruised knuckles.

They bag a DNA sample.

Paula admits to Bill that the family wasn't prepared for his new role as it's something they normally would determine together as a family.

He's getting closer to running all the time. Paula wonders why it's taking him so long to decide. It's because he wants the family's opinion on it.

Bill knows his family can handle anything, and he's very impressed with his daughter. Nice way to butter 'em up.

The security guard has a history of assault. The guy refuses to believe he did what Cade says. The dude needed the money. He didn't know he was somebody.

The bad corporate developer hired the guard to kill the guy.

He thought the murder would force the city to close the encampment.

Bill tells the crowd to let this be a reminder that being rich and being smart is pretty damned far from the same thing. Why? Because he wired money directly to the murderer and called him twice.

Cade thinks Bill should run.

Bishop finds a lot more murders linked to Ahern.

Bill has been waiting for Bishop to stand up for herself and do more than being a driver or a secretary. She wants to be an intelligence analyst to majors. She would be the first. He asks for a proposal.

She did something in her past that led to her insecurities. She deserves a second chance and a clean slate.

Joseph asks Charlie to go for a drink after work. He assures her they're just friends.

Charlie does a background search on Bill. FFS.

Bill is cleaning his gun when the board member comes back to his office. Bill goes off on the past and the wide range of people who have been a part of LA.

Cade takes the purple heart to Denny's sponsor.

Cade has a purple heart, too.

Roberto goes to Cade in their backyard shed. The dog wanted to tell him he likes him. Camilla does, too. But what about him? Roberto doesn't think he wants to kill him anymore. He wants to stay.

Cade and the family take meals to the homeless camp.

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Deputy Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Just because I don't put my weight behind Jerry doesn't mean I have any grand ideas.


All I know is before I became sheriff, this house slept better.
