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Bill worries that Paula can't get a handle on her PTSD. She's tried everything but time off, which Bill suggests. She can't after all of the funding drama.

But she cannot stop seeing someone aiming a gun at her.

It's the end of Joseph's training, so Charlie takes him for a shift near the beach. They get a call and respond.

They're called to a gorgeous oceanfront property that's the scene of an active break-in.

The guy inside, hovering over a body, is in his robe. He claims he lives in the house nearby and was checking on the owner who is hurt.

Paula's dad is now visiting, as well. Hello Jorge!

He thinks Bill should announce now. The incumbent always has the advantage.

Jorge is an influential man in the Latino community and has set up an interview for Bill.

It's another LA Times article. Jorge wants to humanize him by showcasing his family before proving he's an Angelino through and through. That's how they win.

Bill doesn't like glad-handing and gold-digging. He doesn't like owning favors.

The robed fellow runs the guest house. He heard a heated fight from a few days earlier.

Cade has taken the kids surfing. He's teaching them water knowledge first.

The kids don't want to live with Grandma, and Cade promises they'll fight to make it so.

Carol Riley visits Bill to ask if he's sure he wants to run for Sheriff.

The name Becca comes up again when the deputies question the victim's kids. They're not keen on her as she's a bit of a trophy who might be after his money.

Paula and the family put on a united and strong front for the Times.

Maggie and Abuela are worried about Paula. Paula cannot get the woman's face out of her head.

Paula's angry that she doesn't have herself to face the problems. She needs to reconnect with herself rather than Bill and Maggie.

Maggie has realized that she needs dad, but so does LA County. She's willing to share.

Becca looks to be about 19. Raymond cared for her when she was living in her car. But they got married in their bathrobes in his living room after she signed a prenup. Becca says the woman arguing with Raymond was Regan who found out there were married and got pretty upset.

There's a body on the beach, and Bishop and Cade are on the scene. The victim was Cade's CI.

Cade's got a lot on his mind.

Bill visits his favorite African American barber and gossip. Bill shares that he's announcing tomorrow. He's not ready to become a politician. But Curtis assures him he already is, just not the usual.

Bishop gets called to a meeting with Riley. Riley saw Bishop at her fundraising. Bishop is rather impressed with Riley. And Riley researched Bishop, too.

Bishop assures Riley that Bill isn't like the others that Riley is trying to lump him in with. Riley intends to earn Bishop's respect after she wins.

Bishop is a helluva shot.

What kind of a grandmother would Carmen be is she allowed them to remain with their father's murderer? She thinks he's trying to be a white knight. She calls him a racist and hates that he's raising his voice. She lives in a trailer.

Riley has decided to extort Bill by promising an inditement unless he fails to announce.

Cade calls Teresa. He needs her.

Cade has anger issues that we have not yet seen addressed.

Charlie runs into someone she knows who seems jumpy. He says he's leaving town so that he can start a new life. Oh, it's Luna's former CI and now Charlie's, Levon.

Bishop asks for Cade's help with the husband, wife, and kids case.

The wife has been wiring funds to a joint account of an unknown entity.

Becca is giving some dude a lap dance. Oh my. It's Oliver, Raymond's son.

Jerry is all upset that Charlie, Joseph, and Carter were at the scene even though homicide was taking over.

Jerry wants Bill to stay in his lane so that those who come after him can still follow protocol.

Bill wants Jerry to be there when he announces today. Why would Jerry do that? Because Bill asked.

Joseph has more paperwork, and Carter tries luring him away again. Charlie knows what went down with the last batch of paperwork.

Charlie is rooting for Joseph, but if he gets caught up with the wrong crowd, he could throw it all away.

All Joseph hears is that he's special.

Jerry calls Carol to his office and hands the file Charlie gave him to Riley. He wants her to concede the race and serve in his administration. He won't release the information unless that happens. She walks away.

Bishop knows that the guy killed was used as an example.

Paula visits the chick who held her hostage.

Paula admits she's been letting the little shit hold onto some of her power, but she's not letting it happen anymore. Paula said if the chick had never lost faith in people, she would have saved David anyway. And Bill lives by the same code.

Joseph is out with Carter who gets into a fight at the bar.

Carter wails on the guy before Joseph calls him away.

Carter blames Joseph, saying the white guy was lobbing racial slurs at Carter, so he helped his boy. Bill is disappointed and wants them in the tank until they come up with a better explanation.

Bill's dad is there when he announces. Dad says the moment means nothing but what Bill does with it means everything.

Against all the odds, Bill has the power to do something about injustice.

Informants are getting killed.

And Levon is next.

As it goes down, Charlie and Cade share what they've learned with Bill.

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Deputy Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Cade: What's up, kiddo?
Roberto: We don't want to live with Grandma. We want to live with you.
Cade: Hey, listen. Don't you guys worry about that, OK? Leave it up to me and Teresa because we're gonna fight tooth and nail so you guys can keep living with us. You want to know why? Because we're a family, and nothing's going to change that. Nothing.

I'm not exactly a philosophical guy. I take things as they are. Once you start thinking about things as the ought to be, well, that's dangerous territory, especially for a lawman. But then there's the other side, accountability. Now, I've had plenty to say about this department, where it is now, where it's headed, but there's 10 million people in this county. Maybe it's time for them to speak. Let the chips fall where they may.
