Finding Their Way - Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 4
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It's chaos at Velocity after Jason and Amanda jumped out using The Box.

Leighton leaps into The Box in hopes of duplicating their trip.

Jason's theory is that The Corridor is a cross-section of probable realities.

He suggests learning more about The Corridor whiule making it harder for Leighton to locate them.

Jason pries open a door and they find themselves in a rundown building.

The world outside is just as dismal, with ash covering everything.

Nearby buildings begin to collapse and they run back into where they had come from, back to The Corridor.

Back in Jason1's world, Daniela can't shake the feeling that there's something different about Jason.

It's Charlie's 16th birthday. He too is noticing that his father seems more reckless.

They take another dose of the drug and jump again to another corridor.

Jason2 throws and breaks a bottle to get the attention of his physics class.

Anyone who only has an electronic device fails his pop quiz.

Then he walks out of class. He tells his department head that he's quitting.

Jason1 and Amanda land in a foggy forest. The next door leads to a nuclear wasteland.

Amanda freaks out and starts running, then pulls up when she can't find the end.

Jason1 suggests opening doors until they find food and water.

The next door yields a version of Velocity where Dawn kills Amanda and stuns Jason. They leap back into The Box.

 When a frustrated Jason1 sits down, Amanda opens the next door and storms off into a blizzard.

They lose direction and have to take shelter in an abandoned home.

He finds matches and starts a fire in a fireplace to keep them warm.

Jason2 looks up the Leighton on Jason1's world.

Leighton informs him that he invested in Ryan's new venture but wasn't looking to invest in anything else.

Jason1 goets outside and discovers he's on an iced-over world.

Jason2 gives Leighton a dose of the dimension-hopping drug. He entices Leighton into The Box.

Jason1 determines that the worlds are a relfection of their emotional states when they open the doors. They are The Box's controls.

Jason2 takes Leighton1 to The Corridor. He attempts to get Leighton to understand how The Corridor works.

Now that Jason1 and Amanda have figured out how to control The Box, they need to find it under the snow.

Amanda uses a compass to locate it.

Daniela and Charlie go to the grave of Charlie's twin brother Max.

Jason2 took Leighton to a dimension where Leighton's grandfather is still living.

Jason2 tells Leighton about the Leighton on his world and their project at Velocity.

Amanda admits that Jason2 wasn't happy.

Jason1 informs Amanda that Jason1 switched places with him. They figure out that he wanted Jason1's family.

Jason2 arrives home too late for the birthday ritual just as Daniela and Charlie began comparing notes about his behavior.

He bought Charlie a car on impulse, without telling Daniela.

He informs Daniela that he quit his job and found an investor for his research project.

Leighton2 stumbles along through his Corridor since he doesn't know how to control it.




















Dark Matter (2024)
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Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Let's get out of here. See what we can learn. Make ourselves harder to find.

Jason [to Amanda]

Amanda: Do you think your world is behind one of these doors?
Jason: In theory.
Amanda: So, how do we find it?
Jason: I have no idea.