Chicago PD Multi-Show

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

It's those left behind who suffer and here are 29 times this year where we never thought we'd recover. Find out if your heart was gutted like ours!
Posted in: Bull
38 Hottest 'Ships of Fall 2018!

38 Hottest 'Ships of Fall 2018!

Are you a 'shipper? If so, we have a list of the hottest 'ships of the Fall season we couldn't get enough of. Find out if your favorites made the list inside!
Posted in: Multi-Show
17 Mystery-Solving TV Couples

17 Mystery-Solving TV Couples

According to TV swiping right on Tinder isn't the path to true love, but if you start cracking open mysteries you'll be on track to finding your partner.
Posted in: Timeless
45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

There are some baddies that are loathsome, but there are many we love and even root for no matter what they do. Check out a list of our favorite baddies inside!
Posted in: Power
17 Finales That Really KILLED

17 Finales That Really KILLED

Finales can be real killer episodes. Here are some of the shows that saw characters exit with finality this season. Which deaths were huge surprises? Sad but expected? Long overdue?
Posted in: Mary Kills People
22 Times TV Made Us Grin From Ear to Ear

22 Times TV Made Us Grin From Ear to Ear

Is there anything better than watching TV with a big ol' smile on your face? Yeah, we don't think so either. Here's a roundup of recent times we couldn't stop grinning.
Posted in: NCIS

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
