Plattwater - Chicago PD
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Atwater is at the grave of Corey Westbrook and still haunted by that robbery. He leaves when he sees others there.

He gets called to a scene where a cleaning lady is murdered.

Voight is back from his trip to Detroit searching for a connection to the serial killer case and assigns Kevin with a task to look into. When Atwater goes to his car, his CI jumps inside too, startling him, telling him he has a lead on some robberies.

Butchie, Atwater's CI claims he wants to go on the books and for the tip to be legit. He wants to connect Atwater to the fence.

Atwater is hesitant about using Butchie because he's shaky and hasn't been the most consistent. But he eventually opts to go with it.

Butchie makes the intro with a fencer, but it doesn't go smoothly. the guy seems to hate Butchie. But Atwater talks him into going to his house. However the fencer realizes that the jewels are hot and doesn't want anything to do with them. A scuffle breaks out and the cops come in at Atwater's safe word, and come to arrest the fencer.

Atwater talks things over with Butchie. He then interviews Terrence, the fence.

They get another lead that he's supposed to follow up on, but he gets a call from one of the patrol cops about the son of the man who died during the robbery being hauled in. He tells Kim to cover for him while he goes to vouch for the kid before his mother finds out.

He heads where he should and sees a robbery take place and shots fired. He engages in a gunnfight with the robbers and shoots one of them.

Voight reminds Atwater to focus on the case.

He meets up with Butchie to see if he recognizes the young guy he killed during the home invasion. Butchie does seem to but won't say much.

While Atwater and Torres are undercover at a bar trying to get more information, Butchie comes in looking for information on Mark Young.

He admits that Marcus is his cousin and the people involved killed him.

Butchie expresses guilt for not saving his cousin Marcus who that crew killed.

atwater takes him off the case and sends him home.

Theresa, Corey's wife, confronts Atwater at the station, prompting Trudy to step between them. She gives him back money and threatens to file a restraining order against him if he doesn't stay away from her and her son after all the things he's done for them to clear his conscienc over Corey.

They get a call and another member from the crew is dead.

Atwater tracks down the primary suspect and knows that Butchie is after him. When he gets to the scene, Butchie has a gun on the man. Atwater tries to talk him down, but Butchie shoots and kills the man.

Trudy shows up at the scene because Voight asked her to talk to Kevin. She tells him that he can't see the Westbrooks anymore and that he can't carry the weight of everything or he'll drown. She says they'll be there to help him and ensure he figures out how to stop carrying such a heavy load.


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Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 11 Quotes

Somebody needs to be held accountable, Terrence. Right now, you're the best I got unless you give me a name.


Voight: You good?
Hailey: Work in progress.