Working with SVU - Chicago PD
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Noah is still staying with Voight and having a hard time sleeping because he keeps waking up screaming with nightmares.

Voight offers him services, but Noah doesn't want to consider those yet. Voight spends his time looking into the case further, and Chapman checks in on him.

Voight and Hailey get called to the scene where unis have excavated a body in a steel drum that has the same M.O. as Noah with the eyes stapled open.

Two bodies, sisters, were in the drums, and they both had rap sheets. Their wounds matched Noah's.

Voight reaches out to an unofficial profiler to request her assistance with what he deems is a serial killer. He wants her to give him a profile, which she does, saying the killer is organized and a sadist.

She says that Noah couldn't have been alone since the two bodies are part of the ritual, and the eyes stapled open were so the other person can watch the other in pain.

Voight goes home to ask Noah about who he could've been with when he was taken that night. Noah admits someone was with him, but he's having a hard time saying anything else without freaking out.

Jo, the profiler, is working with the team for the episode.

Torres heads to a motel when they make some progress going undercover. He's pretending to be a john who booked a girl online. They determined that Noah may have been with a john or pimp.

The Hazel girl that Torres "booked" looks younger than advertised.

They ambush everyone, arrest Tovar, with Voight pistol whipping him when he attacks Ruzek. They drag him into interrogation to talk to him about what happened to one of the sisters.

They give Tovar a deal dismissing the underage charges and he shares video who filmed of someone attacking Izzie.

Despite everyone pouring over evidence, footage, and all they have, they need more information.

Voight goes home to talk to Noah. Noah asks to be taken to a music center and then opens up. He breaks down about the guy who took him making him call someone he loved, Paul, his boyfriend, and then killing him in front of him.

They figure there's a connection that deals with sex workers and Atwater discovers that a connecting point for Paul and Maria, one of the sisters, was a judge. Voight goes to talk to the judge in his chambers while the rest of the team executes a search warrant on his house.

Voight confronts the judge and tells him that he's here for him on behalf of the victims.

Ruzek finds evidence, pictures of child porn in a false bottom compartment at the judge's home. Voight takes the judge in, showing real restraint. But the guy refuses to confess to anything.

Voight's phone keeps ringing and he finally answers it. Noah says that he got a text from Paul, his boyfriend, who is alive and telling him to meet him somewhere, so he climbed out a window to go see him.

Voight tries to talk Noah out of going to meet "Paul" in the woods. Voight tries to talk Noah into going somewhere where people are around.

Even though the judge had kiddy porn, he's not the real killer.

Voight gets the coordinates for Noah's phone when the call drops after Voight was talking to Noah. The team is there searching for Noah in the woods.

Voight notices drag marks leading to the water and realizes that another oil drum was put in the water. They search and find the drum. Voight checks it when they open it up and Noah is dead with his throat slit inside with his boyfriend Paul.


Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 7 Quotes

He can't stay at your house forever, Hank. It's going to make things complicated for the jury.


Voight: Every wound the sisters had matched Noah's.
Hailey: So you're saying we have a serial killer?