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The holidays came to Brothers & Sisters and the drama was in full force.

Nora decides she isn't going all-out for Christmas this year and is just going to get away with Dr. Karl. This sends the family into an all-out panic.

Cue Brothers' & Sisters version of It’s a Wonderful Life.

Feeling unneeded and alone, Nora takes a sleeping pill and gets to see what would have happened to her children if she really had left them all.

Kitty’s a mess. Kevin's a mess with kids. Justin’s the biggest mess of all (a drug addict). Sarah's just cold. Holly's an evil stepmother. Fun stuff.

Screaming and realizing what a horrible mistake she's made, Nora wakes up and is off to Pasadena. She finds her children gathered at home.

For whatever reason, Justin's girlfriend, Kitty’s "boyfriend" Seth and the woman from the radio station Sarah fired before changing her mind are there too.

On a side note, Seth is actually the Dean's son. Elsewhere, Saul reconnected with the man, Jonathan, who gave him HIV.

Brothers & Sisters
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