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Jenna and Tamara are ready to go to prom, but Jenna's night is ruined when her dress is destroyed by red wine. She and Tamara head out to get a new one, but every shop is closed. Tamara manages to save the day and get a dress, but Tamara ruins it while trying to alter it. 

Sadie has a confrontation with her mother and warns her she never wants to speak to her again. All her mother seems concerned about is that she doesn't tell Ted about her lies and Sadie says she'll keep because she knows he will figure her out eventually.

Sadie and Matty are in the limousine and have a heart to heart. Sadie makes it clear she hates Jenna, but she knows Matty loves her. This sends Matty on a quest to find her and tell her he loves her. 

Tamara gets back together with the marine guy after he shows up at prom and wants her back. 

Sadie makes fun of Lissa's mother after she appears chirpy. Sadie claims the only reason she is so happy is because she knows what an orgasm is. Lissa doesn't want to admit this and changes the subject again.

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Awkward Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Lana Del Yay. So hot.


You and your mum seem to be getting on better since you introduced her to orgasms.
