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Holden returns to court to find Lily hugging Damian. Holden tells the judge that his marriage is over.

Crying after the judge announces the marriage over, Lily guesses that he did this because of Maeve but he stuns her when he reveals that Maeve left town.

Rosanna is guilt-ridden after spending the night in Craig's bed at the Lakeview and hurries back to her house.

There, after Carly insists on no more lies, she points out the big change in Rosanna's relationship with Craig.

After an odd run-in with Rosanna in Craig's suite, Carly leaves but then returns. Finding them back together, she asks when they were going to tell her that they were sleeping together.

Frustrated that he's unable to meet Jack, Officer Green confides to Meg how concerned he is that Damian be punished for how he kept them from searching for Holden.

Later, Meg confronts Damian about his actions in Kentucky and guesses that he knew Holden might still be alive when he asked Lily to marry him.

He denies it but she shows him the copy of the DNA test results letter as proof.

She hints it can remain a secret.

Luke's not pleased when he stops by Yo's to meet Noah and finds Mason there, celebrating the end of the first day of shooting.

Later, he's upset to watch the days' shooting and sees at the end of one scene Mason kissing Noah on top of the head as a reward for his success.

What happens next? Find out in our As the World Turns spoilers!

As the World Turns
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