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... As the World Turns ...

... Carly pulls a burning Cowboy Jack out of the fireplace. Parker denies that he took Sam’s dummy to Jack. Carly insists she’s willing to give up Metro for Parker’s sake. Sam tries to talk Carly out of quitting, but she’s adamant. Carly thanks Jack for being there for her and Parker...

... Cowboy Jack makes it clear to Sam that if he wants Carly; he’s going to have to get rid of Parker for good. Gwen and Will wait outside the house in Chicago where Sofie used to live. Margo tells Gwen and Will they’re making a mistake going to Chicago to look for Sofie and Hallie...

... Sofie reaches into her bag to get a pacifier for Hallie and her wallet falls out. She doesn’t notice. Aaron gets a look at Sofie’s file, but there is nothing of use to him in it. Margo urges Gwen and Will to come home. Holden tells Lily she has to leave town for her own protection....

... Lily pleads with Holden not to send her away, arguing that this is the most united they’ve ever been, and she doesn’t want to lose that. Lily gets a call from Lucinda. Holden comes back to find Lily gone. Lucinda realizes Evan killed Dusty and Neil, and poisoned Bob...

... Lucinda convinces Evan to get out of town before the police catch him. Evan demands $10 million and a private jet. Lily comes to where Lucinda is being held hostage. Lily is horrified to learn that Lucinda brought Evan to Oakdale in an attempt to destroy Craig...

... Holden tells Margo that Lily is in trouble. A frazzled Evan tells Lily her husband better bring his money soon, because Lily is running out of time. Holden leaves the bank with $10 million Margo’s officer shadows him. Holden brings Evan the money...

... Evan sees Margo coming, he assumes Holden double-crossed him and tells Lily that’s going to be most unfortunate for her. Sofie and Hallie arrive in New York City. Sofie realizes she’s lost her wallet and is now stranded. A desperate Sofie calls Aaron for help...

... Until As the World Turns returns again tomorrow ...

As the World Turns
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