The War for the Judgeship - All Rise
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The numbers of the judgeship race are too close. Mark and Robin begin panicking. Corrine Cuthbert pulled ahead by 10 points.

Robin reminds Lola they have options. Lola gives an uplifting campaign speech.

Lola lost and is depressed. David Sanders stops by and says Lola did win, and Corrine must concede.

Mark is frustrated that it's been six months, and Amy still isn't divorced. Lola calls, and he congratulates her.

Sherri works her magic to  Lola's keycard to work. Lola is so happy and full of caffeine.

Luke's new client robbed a store and injured a man. He doesn't want to go to jail since he helps care for his younger brothers.

Mark has to pick DA Choi's replacement or step up to the position.

Ness has been putting in lots of extra work at Amy and Rachel's law firm and wants overtime money. They balk that they didn't plan for that, and she sues them.

Lola meets Judge Marshall, who Lisa warns is conservative, so she needs to be careful.

Sara's first client is Tricia, the daughter of the man Luke's client robbed and injured. She identifies the teenager as Miles. When they hear her dad died, she wants Miles to pay.

The case becomes complicated since the crime happened the night before Miles turned 18. Everyone is watching Lola.

She chooses to send it to juvenile court but says the DA can appeal it and send it back to criminal court, and this case was hard for her.

Rachel and Amy discuss Ness. Amy decides to offer her a paralegal position.

Emily returns from Puerto Rico and tells Carol and Luke she will practice holistic law.

Lisa got a promotion to the court of appeals, and the group threw her a party.


All Rise
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All Rise Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

It looks like it’s going to be a long night, but we are not going anywhere!


Robin: It’s okay, we’ve got options. Option A- you kick her ass in this judgeship race and back to our normal wonderful life.
Lola: and option B?
Robin: Take some time off for ourselves and our 18-month-old daughter. Maybe a change of scenery would do us some good.