The Judges - All Rise
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Lola has a sexy dream of her and Andre on the beach. When she wakes up, Robin informs her he's returning to work.

Emily presents evidence to the COA about a 20-year-old murder; her client, Randall, was wrongfully convicted. She has a confession from a witness, Damien Owens.

Randall's daughter tells Emily they contacted the Free Council Initiative for years.

Lola ran into Dre. He wants to grab lunch. Mark teases Lola about that and says she needs closure.

Luke and Emily have coffee. Emily got a new apartment. Luke is worried about mending his friendship with Mark.

Dre asks Amy and Ness to help a client with her grandma's will.

Lisa and Lola catch up. Lisa mentions sending the murder case over. Judge Marshall looks unhappy as he presided over that case 20 years ago.

Randall's daughter Telisha shows Emily his artwork. Emily said Lola agreed to expedite the hearing, but Damien Owens died, leaving only the affidavit.

Maggie Palmer argued that wasn't enough, but Emily wanted to gather new evidence. Lola was torn, but Lisa knew Lola wanted the truth.

Mark and Luke reconcile. Mark tells Luke Miles was one of the teens at the robbery, and they need the mastermind.

Ness screws up by contesting the will. Ada must pay back her college fund.

Emily lacks sympathy for Julia, the woman Randall had an affair with. She says the truth must come out.

Maggie offers a plea deal--voluntary manslaughter with time served.

They're about to take the deal when Telisha shows up with the truth with a signed document from Joe.

He's willing to testify, so Maggie drops the case, and Lola lets Randall go.

Ness finds out Mindy's husband abused grandma and changed the will. Ada was horrified.

Randall goes to the beach.

All Rise
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All Rise Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Mark: So that is Mr. Mighty, Andre Armstrong, esquire extraordinaire?
Lola: How did you know?
Mark: You’re sweating, Lo.

Ms. Lopez, wasn’t your client convicted by a jury and found that the prosecution had proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt?

Judge Benner