You're in a bad place, and I probably put you there. But you gotta believe it was for your own good. I never wanted to hurt you. I always wanted just to help. You did the impossible, you brought Cobra Kai back to life. You brought me back to life. But then you started leading those kids down the wrong path, and I had to step in. I kept trying to warn you, but you didn't listen. So I had to act. But now it's time for you to come home. You may hate my guts, but I will always be your teacher. I know you more than you know yourself, and there's only one way to get you out of this funk, the way of the fist. You were the best, Johnny, and you can teach that to these kids, you've done it before.


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Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 4: "The Right Path "
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Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Blatt: Did she enter your personal bubble without your consent?
Hawk: Yeah, she definitely triggered my safe space. 

Bartender: You look happy there.
Daniel: Happier times.
Bartender: Is that a friend of yours? 
Daniel: Best friend I ever had. 
Bartender: Are you visiting him while you're in town.
Daniel: I wish. I'm afraid he's no longer with us.
Bartender: Very American way of thinking. In Japan, you can always visit someone they speak to us even when they are gone.