Lucille: Your father with his disgusting tweaking. I couldn't breast feed any of you kids because of that man.
(Everyone groans except for Barry)
Barry: They still look fabulous.

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Lucille, Barry Zuckerkorn
Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 16: "Altar Egos"
Arrested Development
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Lucille Quotes, Barry Zuckerkorn Quotes, Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes, Arrested Development Quotes
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Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Lindsay: We would like you to tutor our daughter.
Tobias: Now, of course, we are having a bit of a cash flow problem. But I assure you; if you bring our little girl's grades up, I will pack your sweet pink mouth with so much ice cream, you'll be the envy of every Jerry and Jane on the block!
George Michael: But we're the only house on the block.
(Camera shows a shot of the Bluth house in the middle of nowhere)
Tobias: Perhaps we should get somebody else.

Gob: Sorry, did you say seals?
Gob's Wife: Yes! I trade trained seals for a living! Do you ever listen?
Gob: Do you ever stop talking?