Zoey: When I heard my parents sing the song that I’d heard them sing to each other a thousand times before that’s the moment I realized how fragile it all is. Like all that love could be taken away in the blink of an eye.
Dr. Tesoro: Do you think that experience may have caused you to become more emotionally guarded with the people that you care about?
Zoey: Yeah, maybe it is why I put Max in the friendzone so quickly after we met, or maybe I just couldn’t get over him making fun of my wardrobe that first day.
Dr. Tesoro: How did you two end up staying connected if he didn’t end up getting the job?
Zoey: Oh, um, Danny hired him a month later after he fired his own cousin for telling people he was his cousin.
Dr. Tesoro: You know what’s interesting Zoey is that the memory of your health scare also turns out to be a story about your deep connection with Max. You might not want to hear this, but to me, it’s as much a love story as it is a loss story.

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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Episode 12: "Zoey's Extraordinary Session"
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Max: Can you believe that dude wore a suit for his first day? Someone’s trying a little hard, huh?
Zoey: I don’t know, or maybe somebody’s not trying hard enough.
Max: Oh, I didn’t mean… your suit is very professional. It makes me want to buy a house from you or something.
Zoey: You know what, I don’t care what you think because I’m more interested in being a great coder and being a trailblazer for young women who…
Max: Ooh, SPRQPoint frisbees.

Zoey: You ever have those mornings where you wake up, and everything just feels right in the world?
David: You’ve clearly never defended a woman who went to jail for stealing baby formula. What is with that suit?
Zoey: It’s a big day, so I figured, why not dress to impress. Oh, and this beauty has got it all: outside pockets, inside pockets, pockets in pockets.
Maggie: I think you look great.
David: Or like a congresswoman from Nebraska.