You know what's annoying? We just scaled a mountain carrying a grown man and a tree, and those medevac guys are the ones who'll get all the glory, landing on some hospital roof, handing Clark off to some surgical team. What did they do? Fly around in a helicopter all day? We scaled the mountain.


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Station 19 Season 2 Episode 6: "Last Day on Earth"
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Station 19 Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Maya: So you want me to lie?
Andy: No, don't lie, just help me feel better.
Maya: Well if you do get fired, the good news is is that we live together now, so we'll still get to see each other every day.
Andy: You're terrible at this.

Maya: We need to examine the source of your bleeding and take you to the nearest hospital.
Greg: I don't need some ambulance ride just for a couple little scratches.
Andy: You're bleeding through your shirt. It's not a scratch.