You know I played bassoon in junior high. It was oboe first, but it was too girly, so I went to bassoon.


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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4: "Fanglorious"
From Dusk Till Dawn
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes, From Dusk Till Dawn Quotes
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Scott: My father used to say, 'Jesus looks for sinners like the Devil looks for saints.' Tonight, I'm going to give you guys a choice: are you sinners or are you saints? I want to know! Open your hearts and open your hands. If you want some forgiveness, spill some blood for the Lord!

Ladies and gentlemen. The man who stands between life and death, the man who can bring you to God's doorstep, Scott Fuller!
