You got two choices. You got life. You got death. You gotta trust your instincts right now. That animal inside you, that fear he bring, it be powerful. It's gonna make ya eyes blink wider. Ya heart beat faster. You gotta use it right now because it's the only thing gon save ya life.


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Underground Season 2 Episode 2: "Things Unsaid"
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Underground Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Rosalee, right now you have to focus on your family. Elizabeth is going to need you.


Daniel's Wife: Did you just...?
Daniel: I been teaching myself to read. Writing is just describing the sounds that the words make.
Daniel's Wife: What does it say?
Daniel: It says how I feel about you. It says why I taught myself to do this. [Holds up paper] It says, love.
Daniel's Wife:It's amazing. I want to keep it forever. [Rips up paper] But this could get us killed.