Charlie [about Rose]: You do remember she's bent?
Alan: Deep down she's a good person.
Charlie: Deep down, she's several good people, and they're all bent!

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Charlie Harper, Alan Harper
Two and a Half Men Season 2 Episode 10: "The Salmon Under My Sweater"
Two and a Half Men
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Charlie Harper Quotes, Alan Harper Quotes, Two and a Half Men Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes, Two and a Half Men Quotes
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Two and a Half Men Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Alan: Ferrets?
Rose: Yeah, I have five of the toothy, little guys.
Alan: No-- no kidding. Five ferrets? Those are like, uh, long, furry rats, right?
Rose: Yup, and they're all named Charlie

Alan: Oh, are you, uh, starting that book report already?
Jake: Just making notes.
Alan: Good for you! What do you have so far?
Jake: Lord of the Flies is kind of like Survivor, but with kids.
Alan: Huh! That's, uh... that's an interesting analogy! Uh, what's your favorite part?
Jake: Um... when the first kid gets voted off the island?