Carrie: You coming in for a landing there sister?
Miranda: Sorry, cute guy. I thought he was checking me out for a second.
(the girls turn to look)
Samantha: His a cutie alright.
Carrie: Yes, definitely looking.
Miranda: His looking at you guys looking at him like I asked you not to.
Carrie: Take your tray over there.
Charlotte: What? (excited)
Miranda: No!
Samantha: Absolutely! Why not?
Miranda: Because, this isn't PS 147, we're adults now, she's married for Christ sake. We have to at least pretend to know better.

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Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Miranda Hobbes, Charlotte York Goldenblatt
Sex and the City Season 3 Episode 15: "Hot Child In the City"
Sex and the City
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Sex and the City Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes

Dr Talley: With some clients I've found it often helps to create your own non-threatening language, with which to talk about sex.
Charlotte: I'm not sure that I understand.
Dr Talley: Well, for example, one client rather whimsically dubbed his anus "the chocolate starfish". (chuckles)
Trey: Are you quite sure you went to Yale?

Samantha: Are you in pain? I'm in pain just looking at you.
Miranda: I'm a 34-year-old woman with braces and I'm on a liquid diet. Pain doesn't begin to cover it.