Clare: How long? Were you screwing him when you were holding my hand at brunch?
Josh: Clare, Gemma’s trying to sleep.
Clare: Oh, did you know about this?
Josh: No, of course not.
Clare: Was it going on before that? Are we true tunnel sisters now?
Josh: I don’t think tunnel sisters has a temporal requirement.
Kelsey: You said that it was a mature breakup.
Clare: It’s just a thing you say. It’s not a greenlight to every blond woman in the tri-state area to begin the hunt.
Kelsey: That’s not fair.
Clare: Is that why you took me out to brunch? To see how long you were going to have to wait?
Kelsey: No, I was trying to be friendly.
Clare: You are not my friend.

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Younger Season 7 Episode 10: "Inku-baited"
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Younger Season 7 Episode 10 Quotes

Liza: You look nauseous.
Kelsey: Well, I don’t want this to peak too soon. We still don’t have a way to get Dylan’s book to readers.
Liza: We’re doing it online, aren’t we?
Kelsey: We can’t just throw it up on a Wix site and call it a day.
Liza: Totally. What’s a Wix site?
Kelsey: Lauren is finding someone to help me build the app, and hopefully, a cheap someone since I spent all my money on Dylan’s advance.

Lauren: I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you’ve got 40 seconds before Maggie notices you and unsheathes whatever’s in her boot.
Cass: What?
Lauren: Thirty-five seconds. It’s usually a switchblade, but given how comprehensively you’ve ruined her life, she may have graduated to something gnarlier, serrated.
Cass: I’m not here… I’m not here.
Lauren: Twenty-five seconds. The reason that you’re here is irrelevant because you’re leaving as fast as those shapely legs can get you to the safety of the back alley there, OK. You’ve got 25 seconds.
Cass: I’m going. I’ve seen what I needed to see.