Benson: Shakespeare? That's pretty grown up.
Laura: I'm grown up.
Benson: Good, cause I have a grown-up question for you. You and Greg...
Laura: I love him like a brother.
Benson: Is that what Greg told you to say? You were reading Romeo and Juliet.
Laura: He helps me with my English homework.
Benson: I saw the inscription. To Juliet from Romeo.
Laura: You think I'm too young to be in love?
Benson: No, you're not... with someone your own age.
Laura: My mom killed herself! I'm not like other girls, playing with baby dolls. I'm a real woman.
Benson: Is that what Greg told you? Because he told us you just had a schoolgirl crush.
Laura: No he didn't! He wouldn't!
Benson: We know that it wasn't your father that had sex with you. It was Greg.
Laura: I won't betray him!
Benson: But he betrayed you.
Laura: No he didn't.
Benson: Yes, he did. He told us he was in love with Susan.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Episode 13: "A Story of More Woe"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Episode 13 Quotes

Leah: You have to help my little sister.
Benson: We will. The ambulance is going to take you to the hospital as soon as it gets here, okay?
Laura: I just want to go home and be with my daddy.
Leah: Daddy's dead. Tell her.

Cop: They have to see their father's dead body. You deal with kids like this all the time. I don't know how you do it.
Carisi: Sometimes, neither do I.