Bhumesh: It’s the only way I caught something.
Vivi: You had a really special dad,
Bhumesh: Yeah, you two would have gotten along.

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Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 4: "Make Me a Match"
Hallmark Channel
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Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes, Hallmark Channel Quotes
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Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Vivi: Why did you cheat?
Kenny: I don’t know. Maybe because I’m constantly reminded that we’re far from what your app says a successful app should look like and sound like.

Cute Stranger: What did you wish for? You owe me after that lump on the head.
Vivi: Fine. I used to wish to find love. Now that I found it, I wished to optimize it.
Cute Stranger: Oh, you’re serious? Find love and optimize it. That sounds like a robot on Valentine’s Day.