Alice: You don't know how many times I've dreamt about this moment.
Gary: Cut the theatrics, Alice. You're not on stage. You don't get to pretend to care. You lost that right when you left.
Alice: But you have to understand, Gary. I was 18 when I discovered I was pregnant with you. I tried to be a good mother for seven years, I tried, but the whole time, I was drowning inside. I know it was selfish, but I thought about you every day.
Gary: Yeah right. You left and never came back. No, you're wrong. I did come back.

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A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 12: "Guilty"
A Million Little Things
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A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Gary: Just because you're out of kids to mother, does not mean you get to scratch that itch with me.
Eddie: Hey, you do not get to say that to her.

Maggie: Looks like we've all got mommy issues in common. Some of us worse than others.
Delilah: Well, on behalf of all mothers everywhere, I apologize, ladies.