Luke: Last time. Last time, we didn't get to say goodbye, and I don't want that to happen again.
June: Nah. Fuck that.
Luke: Why?
June: Because we're gonna stay alive.
Luke: June, when we get to Gilead, they're gonna execute us, alright?
June: OK. You listen to me, OK?
Luke: OK.
June: OK. Last time, when we were apart, no matter what happened, I never gave up hope, and you never gave up hope because we knew, we just knew that we would find each other again. So, we're just going to do that again, right?
Luke: I love you.
June: I love you. And we are gonna do that again. Do you understand?
Luke: Yeah, right. We're gonna stay alive.

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The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Episode 6: "Together"
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Aunt Lydia: I've just heard this morning's surprising news. I wonder if you could help me to get to the bottom of something. Three weeks ago. That was Commander Waterford's funeral, was it not? You remember that, don't you? Mm-hmm. Now, I want you to be honest with me. Do you understand me? Esther, do you understand?
Esther: Yes, Aunt Lydia.
Aunt Lydia: On the day of the funeral, you had a private audience with Commander Putnam. [Esther nods] Now, you can tell me the truth. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I need to ask you. Did you behave in a way that might have, even unwittingly, invited his attention?
Esther: No.
Aunt Lydia: God knows our truths.
Esther: I didn't do anything. He raped me.
Aunt Lydia: That's terrible. That's terrible! Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I'm sorry.
Esther: No, your not.
Aunt Lydia: I'm what, hun, I... what?
Esther: They all do it. You know they do. You're not sorry.

So, you're at the place right now where perineal massage is going to start being very effective for ya. Tearing is no picnic, so anything to get that tissue more flexible will be a great benefit when the time comes. Avoid the gels. Just stick with essential oils, witch hazel, that sort of thing. They've got it all stocked here.

Dr. Landers