Sanders: You don’t trust Alex to take care of it?
Michael: Not in the same way I trust myself. No. It’s not his dream.
Sanders: Yeah, but it’s yours. And he loves you. That’s what it means to walk through this crazy little thing called life with someone, kid. Venturing into uncomfortable territory.

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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 2: "Fly"
Roswell, New Mexico
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes, Roswell, New Mexico Quotes
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

If you want to probe the mysteries of Roswell, come find me.

Shivani [to Liz]

Liz: You don’t hate me, right, for need more time.
Max: No, of course not. I couldn’t be mad at you.
Liz: I found a healthy balance with you, Max. And that’s the key to our future together, so I just need to figure out a way to sustain it.
Max: Well, wherever the road takes you, I will be right by your side.