Kate: We're the Unified Intelligence Task Force, created to investigate extraterrestials. And the supernatural. Things seem to be turning that way more and more lately.
Ruby: And you work with the Doctor?
Kate: With him, despite him, against him sometimes. And I adore him.

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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4: "73 Yards"
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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Ruby: Have I seen you before?
Hiker: I don't know. Have you?
Ruby: No, it was a different... never mind.

Ruby: I've been to Wales twice. Once I went to Cardiff and when I was sixteen I went to Mumbles over a boy. I think I broke his heart.
The Doctor: Roger Gwilliams is a bad example of a prime minister from Wales. He brought the world to the brink of nuclear -- wait, what year are you from, again?
Ruby: 2024.
The Doctor: Oh, right. He's from 2046, your future.