Carla: I think she's crying. She just gave up her child. It's okay, darling. We got her. Ruby's safe.
Ruby: I wish she could see me now. I made it, Mum. I've traveled all over the universe.

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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 7: "The Legend of Ruby Sunday"
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Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Doctor: S Triad. It's an anagram. Don't you see? S Triad Technologies is TARDIS Technologies.
Kate: Thank you for pointing that out. Obviously.
Ibriham: Even I figured that out.
Morris: We all know that it's an anagram of TARDIS but the question is why?
Ruby: It's the name, isn't it? Don't you see? S Triad. Susan Triad.
Kate: Susan. Is that significant?
Doctor: It's my granddaughter.

Doctor: Rose! Rosie! Rosalinda!
Rose: It's been too long.
Doctor: How's your mum? How's your uncle?
[Ruby comes up]
Doctor: Rose, Ruby. Ruby, Rose. Two different shades of red.