Cabe: So that's it?
Happy: No, we take the two-hour flight back to LA, find Toby, and I kick his ass.
Paige: Wait, when you were in the pipe, you said that you still loved him.
Happy: That's when I thought I was going to die. Now, I have a track on his keychain, and I don't want to breach that trust, but he forced his hand, so I'm going to go hunt him down.
Cabe: Who would have thought that Toby would be the one to die today?

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Scorpion Season 4 Episode 15: "Wave Goodbye"
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Scorpion Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Toby: You know I'm an enthusiastic lover, right?
Paige: And?
Toby: With all the procreation recreation, I slipped a disk in my lower back.
Paige: We're all too involved in each other's lives.

Cabe: A query my dearies, where did you first meet your dearie?
Walter: Nero's diner!
Paige: Nero's diner!