Rory: Where's my tie?
Lorelai: In your drawer?
Rory: I'm looking in the drawer.
Lorelai: Mm, check the living room.
Rory: Why would my tie be in the living room?
Lorelai: Because it's been seeing the doily on the coffee table. I'm sorry, I did not want you to find out this way!

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Lorelai Gilmore, Rory Gilmore
Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 20: "P.S. I Lo..."
Gilmore Girls
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Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Rachel: Hi there.
Lorelai: Oh, hi. This isn't what it looks like.
Rachel: It looks like you're dressing him (Luke)
Lorelai: Oh... then it is what it looks like!

Lorelai: Okay, you've been in this mood for a week now, and while I love the unexpected ups and downs of motherhood, I've gotta say I miss my Goofus, and I want my Gallant back.
Rory: You can't just say a normal sentence right? Just 'Hey, lets talk' is too dull for you. (Lorelai grabs Rory)
Lorelai: Hey. Let's talk.