Gabrielle: What opportunity is more important than college?
John: For the longest time, the only thing I had to offer you was my heart. Mr. Solis gave you security and I couldn't compete. But now even he can't offer you that. And I can. My business is taking off. I can take care of you. We can finally be together. Mrs. Solis, will you marry me?

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Gabrielle Solis
Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 13: "Your Fault"
Desperate Housewives
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Desperate Housewives Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Suburbia is a place filled with responsible people trying to live responsible lives. Of course, even the most responsible among us, has mistakes in their past. Mistakes they'd like to forget. Mistakes that sometimes come back to haunt them

Mary Alice

It was my first week in college, and I went to a meeting of the Young Republicans, where Rex gave a speech and I went up to him afterward and introduced myself and told him that I agreed with his stance on the death penalty, and he took me out to a diner and, uh, we stayed up until 2 in the morning talking about big government, gun control and illegal immigration. (sighs) It was just... it was just such a magical night
