Benson: I talked to Maggie.
Aaron: How is she doing?
Benson: Honestly, she's not doing great. You took her baby.
Aaron: I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted to spend time alone with my son.
Benson: I understand. Sometimes that's all I want to do too, but unfortunately the world doesn't work that way.
Aaron: There are so many cops out there...
Benson: I know. Tell you what. I know we can figure this out. How about I come in there an we talk face to face? [cops point guns]
Cop: I got a clear shot!
Benson: No guns! Stand down! That's an order!
Aaron: Okay. Just you. No weapons.
Benson: Okay. We can do that.
Fin: What are you doing? He's got a gun. Liv, do not go in there!

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Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 12: "The Undiscovered Country"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 12 Quotes

Maggie: When he was two months old, Aaron noticed he was struggling to breathe. He has mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. It's a genetic thing.
Benson: So soon Drew won't be able to breathe on his own.
Maggie: I spend more time in Mercy Hospital than at home.

Typical Tuesday afternoon. The mom goes out to do her nails and do some shopping, dad comes home, duct tapes the sitter and takes their 10-month old son.
