Dal: I guess I did know when to ask for help. Which is what a natural-born captain would do. You're welcome.
Murf: [disgusted noise]
Pog: Nobody thanked you!
Zero: Of course, he takes credit.
Rok-Tahk: We're goners.

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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 3: "Starstruck"
Star Trek: Prodigy
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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes, Star Trek: Prodigy Quotes
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Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Janeway: The United Federation of Planets. An interstellar union of different worlds and species with shared principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality.
Rok-Tahk: E-quality? That sounds nice.

Pog: Ugh. She's hideous. Why is her forehead so smooth?
Janeway: You're no summer peach either, Tellurite.
Pog: Hahahaha! Jankom Pog likes her!