Emily: People keep telling me Sam Bowles cheats on his wife.
Sue: OK, well, that’s not true.
Emily: Are you sure? Because the minute they heard he was publishing me, they just started to assume that we were intimate.
Sue: That’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever heard. He’s publishing you because you are a genius.
Emily: I know that’s what you might think.
Sue: Emily, it’s what I know.
Emily: I came here tonight to be seen, and so far, it’s been a pretty unpleasant experience.
Sue: Well that just makes me angry. You deserve to be seen, Emily. You deserve to be published. And it’s just not fair what happens to women. The minute we get a little bit of fame or show the slightest amount of ambition, we get slapped with the nastiest comments. We get these targets on our backs. Well, I say to hell with all of that. You go out there, and you own this. You worked for this, and Sam Bowles believes in you as a writer. And that’s that.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 5: "Forbidden Fruit a Flavor Has"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Emily: Hello, family. I am heading over to Sue and Austin’s. Should I change?
Mrs. Dickinson: No, no, you look beautiful. Ravishing, in fact. Who knows, maybe you’ll catch some man’s eye tonight. I’d given up every hope of you ever getting married, but with Lavinia’s recent engagement, we’re on a winning streak.

Fictitious Sam: You look great.
Emily: I do?
Fictitious Sam: You look like someone who should be on the frontpage. This is it. You ready? You ready to see and be seen?
Emily: I hope so.
Fictitious Sam: Hope isn’t good enough. You need to know it. Look at yourself. Look at yourself and say, ‘I deserve this. I earned it. It’s now my time to shine.’