Beltran: We saved two lives today.
Winston: Ah, yeah, right.
Beltran: You say that like it happens all the time.
Winston: Technically, it is our job.
Beltran: Technically, things don't always go our way. Unless they do for you, in which case, this beer is also mine.

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Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 9: "I Carry Your Heart"
Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 9 Quotes, Grey's Anatomy Quotes
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Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 9 Quotes

It doesn't change the fact that when we do this, we're burying my brother deeper into the ground, and I would think that you of all people would understand that.


Miracles are great, but we wouldn't need them if more people were organ donors.
