We came to this future to find the Federation in pieces, quadrants and sectors, planets and families, divided. So much uncertainty and disconnection. But the Burn and the DMA have shown us that we are all connected, and we can overcome any challenge so long as we do it together.


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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 13: "Coming Home"
Star Trek: Discovery
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Book: There's gotta be a way out of this.
Reno: If I had some hot 'n' sour soup... wouldn't help us. I'm just hungry. The upside is, when we hit the hyperfield, we'll be vaporized immediately.
Book: Where's the upside in that?
Reno: We'll die fast. I hate pain.

People are scared. They're losing everything. They're going to be looking to the Federation for guidance, for safety, for hope. We get to give that to them.
