Lena: If someone would have told me that day I picked you up outside of juvie, that this where you would end up...
Stef: You're a fighter. You always have been, and now that you've started fighting for yourself, look at what happened?
Callie: Um, you told me when I first got here, you said that I wasn't disposable. That meant so much, but what means even more, is how you made me feel that way every day since. I live you moms.

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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 18: "Just Say Yes", The Fosters Season 5 Episode 19: "Many Roads"
The Fosters
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The Fosters Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Stef: I got this B. It's not your job to take care of me.
Brandon: I don't think it's my job to take care of you.
Stef: Maybe not anymore, but you did when you were little.

ICE has been getting away with a lot these days.
