Varga: There’s an accounting coming, Mr. Stussy, and you know I'm right. Mongrel hordes descending, and what are you doing to insulate yourself and your family? You think you're rich. You've no idea what rich means. Rich is a fleet of private planes filled with decoys to mask your scent. It's a bunker in Wyoming and another in Gstaad. So that's action item one, the accumulation of wealth. And I mean wealth, not money.
Emmit: What's action item number two?
Varga: To use that wealth to become invisible.

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Fargo Season 3 Episode 4: "The Narrow Escape Problem"
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Fargo Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Buck, if I wanted an opinion from an asshole, I'd ask my own. Got it?

Ray as Emmit

Remember — Richest guy in the room is always the boss.
