[to Elijah] Your mother really did a number on you boys, didn't she? Did it ever occur to you that I am less interested in fixing your problems and more interested in forgetting my own? I mean I'm basically in a supernatural witness protection program because your psychotic brother, who I might add I practically had to seduce, wants me dead. So, yeah. Booze and board games is pretty much where I am right now.


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The Originals Season 2 Episode 10: "Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire"
The Originals
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The Originals Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Hayley: I'm sorry...this just all sounds very...
Jackson: Intimate? Yeah, it's a marriage.

It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago my mother turned us into monsters yet still she claimed to love her children even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah, tormented by long buried, shameful secrets. Kol, the wily troublemaker, out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily warped by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everyhing on the chance that she might one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child, my mother's greatest shame. Now finally we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us, to live on as one of the monsters she created, or suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves.
