Cato: Noah, always the man with a plan, but what? You can't finish a fair fight?
Noah: Ain't nothing fair about this! Ain't nothing fair about any of what you put me through. I help folks. I save folks. When is it my turn?
Cato: Whatchu planning to do about it,hmm?
Noah: They already killing enough of us. I ain't about to help 'em. That's where we're different.

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Underground Season 2 Episode 4: "Nok Aaut"
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Underground Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Cato: What do you see when you look at the sculpture?
Devi: Timelessness.

It ain't about the risk. Reading is a curse. All the words...they give words to all the feelings nobody told me about--not even my dad-- and I'm crushing under the weight of the knowledge. It opens up the world to you, and shows you how small the one they got us chained to is.
