Archie: How long?
Jughead: Well, since they shut down the drive-in. That's where I was living before.
Archie: Why the hell aren't you living at home?
Jughead: Truth is things aren't great at home.
Archie: With your dad?
Jughead: Yeah. He kinda fell off the wagon. After your dad fired him to tell you the truth. He hasn't had a job since. He keeps promising that he will get his act together, but my mom couldn't take that roller coaster anymore. So, she grabbed Jellybean and went to live with our grandparents.
[School bell rings]
Archie: God Jug, why didn't you tell me? And where does your dad think you are?
Jughead: He thinks I'm couch-surfing.
Archie: Screw that! Live with me.
Jughead: It's temporary. I'm going to figure something out. Just don't tell anybody, especially not Betty.
Archie: Betty? She's not going to care. If anybody's gonna to be a snob about that, maybe Veronica.
Jughead: Well, exactly. Don't tell her either.

Veronica: Not to be "that girl", Archie, but I didn't get the memo we were adding another voice to the mix.
Archie: Hey, Ronnie, great news! Valerie quit the Pussycats.
Veronica: So that makes me...what then...backup?
Archie: No, I mean, you were just doing this as a favor to me, right?
Veronica: You're unbelievable, Archie. You literally have zero loyalty. You, Ginger Judas!

Veronica: Is this your playing hand?
Veronica: Archie! This hand is your instrument. You need to take better care of it. And yet, stop punishing yourself while you're at it. Are you sure?
Archie: I got slammed because I didn't know the play. I didn't know the play because, like an idiot, instead of memorizing my plays I was up late last night working on some of my songs with Valerie. God, I'm such an idiot.
Veronica: Valerie, huh? You know, I endorse this.
Archie: You jealous, Ronnie?
Veronica: Please...I've had my seven minutes of heaven with Archie Andrews.
[Patches his arm]

Betty: Ms. Grundy showed up in Riverdale a year ago, out of thin air. There is no record of her before that. Her Facebook, her LinkedIn account...they were all created a year ago. Before that she's a ghost, she doesn't exist. The only 'Geraldine Grundy' I could find was a woman who died seven years ago.
Archie: Where did you find all this?
Veronica: The deep web, the dark internet. Check it, it's all online...simple Googling.

Veronica: Is Betty still mad at you?
Archie: Back to no texting. What about you?
Veronica: I'm back to being the shallow, toxic rich bitch who ruins everything in her path. Which is unfortunate because, even though I only just met Betty, it really felt like we were meant to be best friends, like it was our destiny. And now... [Sighs] it's like there was this train that was heading to the rest of my life, and I just missed it.

Archie: Is you feel it real? Because if it's not then I don't know what I'm protecting.
Ms. Grundy: It is. It is real. Maybe it's not right, but it's real, which isn't't go to Weatherby. If you do that, we will never see each other again. Archie, I'm putting myself in your hands.

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."

K. J. Apa Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."