Mike: I want you to run the plates of Mom's car. See if you can get a hit.
Kyle: Oh Mike. I thought you were cool with Iris getting out of town. Come on.
Mike: I am. I just want to make sure she did.

Mike: Who did it? Was it you?
Konstantin: What in the fresh hell is this?
Mike: Get the fuck off. You Konstantin? Throwing babies in the fucking garbage. You got my attention. You don't want that. You come into this town, you kill Milo and anyone he works with. So, who's next on your fucking list?
Konstanin: You're Milo's attorney. That makes so much more sense. You're Michael McLusky. I know your name. I know your reputation. And most lead with cock or claw. But you know this Michael. Don't you? 'Cause you're an animal.
Mike: I don't think you want to find out.
Konstantin: Is that a warning?
Mike: No more dead bodies.

Kareem: As of 36 hours ago, Merle Callahan returned to us.
Mike: You didn't want to pick up the fucking phone, Kareem.
Kareem: I don't report to you, Mike.
Mike: Yeah, I know you don't. Come on. No one said you did. But, you know, neither of us can do this in a fucking vacuum.
Kareem: The torch has been passed. It's in my hand. And I will run shit my way.
Mike: Run shit the way you want to run it, Kareem. But what you do in here, that goes on the outside.
Kareem: And KPD will deal with what happens on the streets.
Mike: Fuckin -- you know how this works Kareem.
Kareem: KPD will deal with what happens out there.
Mike: Jesus Christ.
Kareem: And I will deal with the shit that happens inside my prison.
Mike: You can't fucking silo this. You know that.
Kareem: Yes I can. Yes I can. You don't have agency in here man. You're a civilian, bad enough. But you're a fucking ex-con. And if any of this shit comes to light, what you do, what've you've done. Any of it comes to light man, and everyone is compromised.
Mike: You're compromised, you mean.
Kareem: Look, I'm not going to risk my career to help you play fixer. I can't do that.
Mike: Okay, I hear you. You put me in a position that I don't want to fucking be in, though Kareem. Which is going to force you to be in a position that you don't want to be in. You understand?

Mike: Yeah, what do ya got?
Kyle: Mom's car was impounded. The female subject was stopped on a bullshit traffic infraction. Resisted arrest. Assaulted an officer.
Mike: Any ID?
Kyle? What ID, Mike? No. It's fucking her. Jane Doe, 'cause no license. She's refusing to give her prints.
Mike: Of course she did.
Kyle: But would it make a difference anyway, Mike? I mean, you even know her real name?
Mike: Thanks Kyle. I'm on my way.

Mike: You think you know what you're dealing with or who you're dealing with. You don't.
Konstantin: Well, Milo was a pimp. So I thought you, your brother, his bitches. Now I can't speak for your brother --
Yeah, let's not.
No. But you, I underestimated. You I now understand are something else. Different animal.
Mike: Yeah. Yeah. A different animal. The kind that you don't put down. You can't kill me because you fucking need me. I'm the guy you work with. I'm the person that makes your life possible in this town.
Konstantin: Because you Michael are the Mayor.
Mike: You're damn right. Good fucking talk.

Jeremy Renner Quotes

Mike: Who did it? Was it you?
Konstantin: What in the fresh hell is this?
Mike: Get the fuck off. You Konstantin? Throwing babies in the fucking garbage. You got my attention. You don't want that. You come into this town, you kill Milo and anyone he works with. So, who's next on your fucking list?
Konstanin: You're Milo's attorney. That makes so much more sense. You're Michael McLusky. I know your name. I know your reputation. And most lead with cock or claw. But you know this Michael. Don't you? 'Cause you're an animal.
Mike: I don't think you want to find out.
Konstantin: Is that a warning?
Mike: No more dead bodies.

Mike: I want you to run the plates of Mom's car. See if you can get a hit.
Kyle: Oh Mike. I thought you were cool with Iris getting out of town. Come on.
Mike: I am. I just want to make sure she did.